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Version: v0.15


In this tutorial, we'll set up GitLab authentication for Conduit.


  • A Conduit project 😎
  • A GitLab account

Step 1: Create a new application

Log in to your GitLab account and go to your profile settings.

Click on the "New application" button and fill in the form as follows:

  • Name: The_name_of_your_conduit_project
  • Redirect URI: The_url_of_your_conduit_project
  • Scopes: The_scopes_you_need

Click on the "Create application" button to create the application.

Step 2: Setting up the configuration

Do not forget to configure the GitLab provider through the Admin Panel.
Go to the Authentication -> SIGN IN METHODS and select the GitLab provider.
Then, fill the required fields you obtained from the GitLab App.

Step 3: Authenticate with GitLab

To begin authenticating with GitLab you request a redirect url with the proper scopes

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/authentication/init/gitlab'
"result": "

Open a browser and navigate to the url returned to you from Conduit.
Now the /hook/authentication route has been triggered.
Once your browser has been redirected, your authentication has been completed.